STS Hire & Purchase

Top Fenders has the largest stock of fenders and hoses available offshore Lomé, Togo. Given our extensive resource and diverse client base, we hire our equipment out for a wide range of projects, not only for STS operations, such as terminal operations or FPSO offloads.
With each enquiry, our commercial team call to the client to ensure the correct fender/hose quantity and size is given to assist their project with safety as a priority.
In addition to the above, Top Fenders works closely with some client’s that have their own equipment and therefore only required to provide a mooring master to bring the vessels together safely.
For Top Fenders to assist with such projects, due-diligence checks are performed by the vetting team to ensure the fenders/hoses are within test date along with visual inspection prior to the operation proceeding by our trained mooring masters.
Top Fenders purchasing team has years of experience working with all the key manufacturers and developed close working relationships enabling prompt delivery and expert knowledge.
Should your preference be to purchase please let us know and we would be glad to assist.
Should you require any of the above please contact us on